Hi there! đź‘‹

I’m focusing on building solutions with Django and AWS, continuously learning how to create efficient systems. Currently studying at SGH and diving into finance, I aim to support interesting initiatives with each new skill. Check out what I’ve built below.
Screenshot of ZamĂłwSzambo.pl

ZamĂłwSzambo.pl - marketplace for sanitation companies made for Eurocash S.A. contest

Every fifth Pole has a smelly sewage tank instead of sewage system. They are mostly village residents - I’m one of them. The platform ZamówSzambo.pl connects sanitation companies (those with are removing cesspools) with customers whose tank fills up. It allows the companies to accept online payments (instead of leaving cash under the doormat) and frees them from the need to constantly handle phone orders. Project submitted for the competition “Generation P - Heroes at the Start” in April 2020. After the presentation in front of board members and the president of Eurocash it won 2nd place, receiving a prize of PLN 10,000. ...

1 min Â· Maksymilian Skica
Screenshot of Podręczniki z Samorządem

Podręczniki z Samorządem - marketplace for textbooks with integrated price comparison

Until now, used textbooks in my school were traded wildly - random posts with price lists on the Facebook group were commonplace, and the organization of the fair was always an overwhelming task. In September, long conversations and scheduling meetings with other random students couldn’t be avoided to get the whole set of books. Not anymore! I designed a platform that connects buyers with owners of unnecessary textbooks - but this is not a regular shopping website. An important role in the transaction is played by the Student Council, which is a trusted third party, accepting textbooks for sale, assigning them grades and processing orders. Students can easily compare prices and choose the right set for them. ...

1 min Â· Maksymilian Skica
Screenshot of justweight.me

justweight.me - weight tracking tool

Website and application for monitoring body weight and% body fat. Supports synchronization with Xiaomi smart scales via Bluetooth. Prepared in a week for the HackHeroes hackathon with the topic “Global problems”. I was in a team with Szymon and Mikołaj (app written in Kotlin). justweight.me Used technologies: Django, Django REST API, (HTML, CSS), Heroku, Celery, matplotlib.

1 min Â· Maksymilian Skica
Screenshot of queue system

Teacher consultation queuing system via Microsoft Teams

Individual conversations and consultations between the teacher and the student are one of the most important elements of effective education. An element that began to be missing during the coronavirus pandemic. One of my teachers had logistical problems connecting 1: 1 through Teams to students. Together with Szymon we decided to change it. The service we have prepared, after authorization with a Microsoft Teams account, places students in a queue, while presenting the estimated waiting time and offering a convenient preview of waiting for the teacher. Everything is also accompanied by push notifications. ...

1 min Â· Maksymilian Skica
Screenshot of Librus Todoist

Librus <3 Todoist - improving my daily school life

Because attendance in my school during COVID outbreak is mandatory and based on whether we read messages durning lessons, this script makes them read and syncs them to Todoist’s Inbox, the service that I use to manage my tasks. Then I can sometimes review them for tasks and mark as completed. This makes everything so much easier! Librus <3 Todoist Used technologies: Python, LibrusTricks, todoist-python.

1 min Â· Maksymilian Skica
Screenshot of Ĺšledzik

Ĺšledzik (WIP) - service connecting data from Polish shipping companies

Is there anything worse than email notifications about the change of status of your shipments? Only manual tracking by package number. Ĺšledzik is my project which intercepts your emails from Inpost, Polish Post, DPD, DHL and UPS (mosty polish carriers). Status and parcel numbers immediately go to the application panel and are at your fingertips. You can enjoy Inbox Zero and get updated about upcoming deliveries. Ĺšledzik Used technologies: Django, Heroku, (HTML, CSS), Celery, Amazon AWS SES (receiving forwarded emails), Amazon AWS S3 (saving emails for analysis).

1 min Â· Maksymilian Skica
Screenshot of Wrocław Przystępnie

Wrocław Przystępnie (WIP) - backend for a city sightseeing app

Tens of thousands of tourists come to Wrocław every month. But none of them has any idea what to visit. Churches, churches, churches … As part of the Zwolnieni z Teorii competition, our team is preparing an application that allows users to discover exciting places selected by native Wrocław residents. I write a backend and advise on UX/UI. The Flutter application itself is being done, surprise, surprise - by Szymon. App has not been yet released Technologies used: Django, Django REST API, Heroku, Amazon AWS SNS (authorization via SMS codes), Amazon AWS S3 (support for multimedia added by a team of 8 people).

1 min Â· Maksymilian Skica
Screenshot of Bookaseat

Bookaseat - table booking app

Backend of a startup app for restaurants. As usually, I have been responsible for the backend - including topics related to location, spatial databases and business logic of the app. I’ve also advised on the UX/UI. The Flutter app itself is created by Szymon. Service is not yet on the market Used technologies: Django, Django REST API, Heroku, Celery, Amazon AWS SNS (authorization via SMS codes).

1 min Â· Maksymilian Skica